
Replanting and Regeneration: A Lush Haven for Wildlife

Seventy percent of this land will be lovingly replanted or left to naturally regenerate into a breathtaking temperate rainforest.
Imagine the sight of majestic oaks, graceful birch trees, and hardy hazel, along with a wonderful array of native plants, unique to this area. These rainforests would be home to stoats and pine martens, and threatened birds like wood warblers, redstarts, and pied flycatchers.

With this revitalisation, you will know if you are in a rainforest because you will be surrounded by a wonderful abundance of mosses, liverworts, lichens, and ferns – many of which grow on the tree branches and trunks and cover boulders and ravines. The dampness of the air will be ideal for fungi to grow, including globally rare species such as hazel gloves fungus. Woodlands tend to be less damp with a less dense undergrowth.

Connecting People with Nature

The reforested landscape will sit perfectly alongside the regenerative housing and farm, creating a truly holistic community based on the principles of living in balance with the natural environment.

At Devon Wildlife Trust, we believe that rewilding is a community effort. That's why we're thrilled to involve the local community in our wildlife recovery projects. From tree planting to monitoring special species found within the woodlands, we will offer a range of engaging activities for everyone. Not only will you have the chance to connect with nature, but by getting involved, you'll also contribute to our shared mission of preserving and enhancing our natural surroundings. In time there will be opportunities for volunteers, as well as employment opportunities to develop rural skills.


Our vision includes the transformation of a small quarry just off Maudlin Road into a community space that benefits Totnes town. Our plans are currently at early-stage consultation, but we are confident that our proposal will create a positive impact on individuals and families in our community.